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Understanding the EU's latest CSRD Update

EU raises company size criteria, impacting financial reporting obligations and sustainability efforts under the CSRD
november 2023
4 min read

The 21st Century Imperative : Protecting Biodiversity

Although a founding concept of the natural sciences, Biodiversity has always been the poor relation of environmental struggles and has only recently found its place on the political map.
october 2023
8 min read

Final version of the ESRS

On Monday 31st of July, the European Commission published the European Sustainable Reporting Standards.
august 2023
7 min read

Double materiality

Double materiality : a principle at the heart of the new CSRD regulations
july 2023
15 min read

CSRD - Our guide (1/2) - Introduction to CSRD

Our CSRD guide dedicated to CSR managers
june 2023
40 min read

CSRD - Our guide (2/2) - ESRS agnostic standards

Our CSRD guide dedicated to CSR managers
june 2023
40 min read

CSDDD : what will change for companies ?

Directive on the due diligence with regard to human rights and the environment
june 2023
6 min read
Cette image est l'illustration de l'article intitulé : "CSRD : qui est concerné,
quels enjeux ?"

CSRD: who is concerned, what is at stake?

Everything you need to know about CSRD
october 2022
5 min read
Cette image est l'illustration de l'article intitulé : "Le calendrier de la finance durable"

The sustainable finance calendar

Get the latest updates on the 2023 timeline for sustainable finance regulations.
october 2022
5 min read

What are the SDGs?

All about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

September 2022
5 min read
Green landscape with wind turbines

Am I concerned and eligible for the Taxonomy?

Learn if your company is affected by the new taxonomy reporting requirements.
June 2022
5 min read
people hugging

Social taxonomy

A proposal for a European regulatory framework to encourage the financing of activities that respect human rights and demonstrate good corporate governance.
March 2022
5 min read
green mountain

Environmental taxonomy

A European regulatory framework to distinguish sustainable activities and their degree of contribution to the sustainable environmental transition.
March 2022
6 min read


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