Greenscope for
banks & insurers

As banks and insurers, your challenges are linked to :
- your investment activities, especially for individuals
- your status as a large company
Issues related to your investment activities....

Offer sustainable products to meet your customers' increasing demands for sustainability

Equip you to create a circuit for collecting and analyzing non-financial data on your investments

Simplify your non-financial regulatory reporting (SFDR, EU Taxonomy)

Dashboard mockup
Step 1

Simplify ESG data collection

Have your asset managers record their ESG data. Collect and consolidate EETs.
Perform consistency checks on EETs. Request additional information and evidence from asset managers.
Step 2

Offer products that correspond to the ESG profiles of your clients

Ensure your duty of sustainable advice with an allocation adapted to your clients' ESG profile.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
Step 3

Automate your regulatory exercise

SFDR: Simplify your regulatory reporting exercise with an automated calculation of your PAIs, an automated entry of your pre-contractual writing and facilitate your annual regulatory reporting.
EU Taxonomy: Calculate your Green Asset Ratio (GAR).
...and the issues related to your status as a large company

Lead change and onboard your teams

Measure your CSR performance

Communicate and act

Dashboard mockup
Step 1

Onboard your teams and conduct your CSR diagnosis

Onboard your teams with our collaborative tool.
Centralize the collection of CSR data in a tool adapted to your organization (different BUs, subsidiaries...).
Automate calculations, consolidate data and analyze them with our benchmark. Project your performance on interactive and scalable dashboards
Step 2

Measure your carbon footprint

Including Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3
Use the GHG Protocol certified methodology
Model your carbon trajectory and assess your alignment with the Paris agreement
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
Step 3

Communicate and act

Identify improvement levers for your ESG performance and implement action plans
Communicate your commitments to your employees, customers and investors
Automate your CSRD regulatory reporting.

Have a question ?

One of our consultants will support you in your ESG processes.
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