Terms and conditions

Article 1: Use of the content on the site greenscope.io

The fact of using our website implies that the user has read and accepted our terms of use. The use of our website must be carried out in accordance with our terms of use, which may be modified at any time and without notice by Green Scope.

Visitors to our site are authorized to use the content of our site, whether or not it is protected by copyright or other rights, solely for their own personal use within the framework of the contractual relationship they have with Green Scope. The use of the data on our website may therefore only be made within the framework of a contract signed or being negotiated between the visitor and Green Scope. Visitors to our Web site are therefore prohibited from using any element of the site for any other purpose, in particular on their own Web sites and on their commercial documents intended for third parties, or to make them available to third parties for any reason whatsoever.

Visitors undertake to use the www.greenscope.io website only for purposes that comply with French legislation.Green Scope may never be held responsible for any use of the data on its website that does not comply with these terms of use.

Green Scope may request, in particular by legal means, that any use of the data presented on this site that does not comply with these terms of use be discontinued.

Article 2 : Legal Notice

The website accessible at www.greenscope.io is published and operated by the company identified below.

Green Scope SAS


Headquarters: 50 route de la vieille chapelle, 24380 Creyssensac et Pissot

Email : contact@greenscope.io
Siret N° 910 993 179
SAS with a capital of 1 000€
910 993 179 RCS Périgueux

Director of publication, editing and personal data processing: Grégoire ETIENNE
Visitors to our site should address their correspondence and complaints to the physical or electronic address indicated above.‍

Article 3 : Hosting of the site

‍The host of the site www.greenscope.io is the Company OVH, whose head office is located at 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

Article 4 : Data Protection Act
‍In France, personal data are protected by the law n° 78-87 of January 6, 1978, the law n° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, the article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European Directive of October 24, 1995.

When using the www.greenscope.io website, the following information may be collected: the URL of the links through which the user accessed the greenscope.io website, the user's access provider, and the user's Internet protocol (IP) address.

In any case, Green Scope only collects personal information about the user for the purpose of certain services offered by the site www.greenscope.io. The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he/she enters it by himself/herself. It is then specified to the user of the site www.greenscope.io the obligation or not to provide this information.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 and following of the law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, any user has a right of access, of correction and opposition to the personal data relating to it, by carrying out its written and signed request, accompanied by a copy of the title of identity with signature of the holder of the document, while specifying the address to which the answer must be sent.

No personal information of the user of the site www.greenscope.io is published without the user's knowledge, exchanged, transferred, ceded or sold on any medium to third parties. Only the assumption of the repurchase of Green Scope and its rights would allow the transmission of the said information to the eventual purchaser who would in turn be bound by the same obligation of conservation and modification of the data with respect to the user of the www.greenscope.io site.

The databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing the directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996 relating to the legal protection of databases.

Article 5: Copyright and intellectual property

The texts, drawings, programs, photographs, slogans, logos, trademarks, databases, etc., appearing on the www.greenscope.io website are the exclusive property of Green Scope and are protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. Outside France, these elements are protected by copyright in all signatory states of the Berne Convention, and by international conventions on trademark, patent and design rights.

With regard to elements protected by copyright in France (text, photographs, software, etc.), any reproduction, representation, modification, adaptation, distribution, and/or translation of any of the elements of the www.greenscope.io website, in whole or in part, on any medium whatsoever (digital, paper, etc.) is prohibited without the express prior authorization of Green Scope.

Any use not expressly authorized constitutes a violation of copyright and an infringement under Articles L335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property. It may also constitute an act of unfair competition under Article 1382 of the Civil Code and a violation of image rights and/or personality rights under Article 9 of the same code.Green scope may therefore initiate legal proceedings for civil and/or criminal liability against any person who does not comply with this prohibition.

The exception to this exclusive property arethe visuals Humaaans which are not property Greenscope. The visuals property of Pablo Stanley, free to use CCO Free for commercial or personnal use by Pablo Stanley". https://www.humaaans.com/The video "De La Belle Nature" free to use CC0. https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/video/de-la-video-ci-dessus-de-la-belle-nature-856481

Green Scope
50 route de la vieille chapelle, 24380 Creyssensac et Pissot
mail : contact@greenscope.io