The CSRD challenge

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Conduct your double materiality analysis

Select the sustainability stakes specific to your organization on the ESRS (EFRAG standards). Supplement with other external sources (GRI, SASB, etc.) and sectoral best practices from our platform

Define the associated impacts, risks, and opportunities (IROs)

Assess the impact and financial materiality with your internal and external stakeholders

Validate the applicable data points and Disclosure requirements for your issues

Make decisions based on deviations from regulatory requirements

Describe the data to be collected within your organization (including the collection process)

Carry out a gap analysis, diagnose and identify your level of maturity in order to achieve compliance and improve your ESG performance

Take advantage of our experts' experience to draw up your recommendations and build a roadmap for improving your material challenges

Prepare, launch and manage your data collect campaigns

Set up your questionnaires according to your needs (assignment of contributors, description of expectations, validation process, etc.)

Accelerate data collection by uploading your ESG histories & reports, our platform automatically pre-completes the questionnaires

This approach is new, train your contributors with our experts

Launch your campaign and let your stakeholders complete it. What happens next? Simply leave the follow-up to our teams

Everything you need to know & see in a single platform

Design your CSRD dashboards with the project team and choose the indicators to be displayed in your target CSRD report

A mastered CSRD report: you define the structure and design of your sustainability report and prepare for the audit phase